Kali is a Joplin puppy, sired by Noah (Multi BISS Am. Ch Avalor’s INXS, Show Dog Hall Of Fame), whom we co-own with our good friend Terryl Mueller. She is everything that we had hoped for with this breeding and much much more. Huge thank-you to Lori Reuter for allowing us to breed Joplin to her special boy, Noah!
Kali has been shown only two weekends, her first at the GRCC 2010 National where she placed 3rd in her class under Breeder/Judge Carol Gilbert from England. Kali’s second weekend out she goes WB/BOW/BOS two out of three days for her first 6 points.
To know Kali is to adore Kali. She is the dog of the house that is our perpetual puppy. She always makes us laugh with her antics (falling off the couch is a personal favourite). Kali knows no enemies, every human and every dog she meets she treats as her long lost friends.
Kali’s Health Information
Hips: OFA ~ GR-104381F29F-VPI
Hips: BVA ~ Left Hip 6 – Right Hip 9
Elbows: OFA Normal ~ GR-EL25362F29-VPI
Heart: OFA Normal ~ GR-CA20956/29F/C-VPI-ECHO
Eyes: Normal ~ GR-348611
CHIC: 77028
prcd-PRA: Carrier ~ Optigen 11-7878 ~ OFA GR-PRA201/29F-VPI-CAR
PRA1: Clear ~ Optigen 11-7878 ~ OFA GR-GR130/29F-VPI
Ichthyosis: Carrier ~ Optigen 11-7878 ~ OFA GR-ICH16/29F-VPI-CAR
Degenerative Myelopathy: Clear ~ OFA GR-DM58/32F-VPI
DNA Data Bank: OFA GR-DNA-2663/B
Click here for OFA page
Click here for extended pedigree